A place of rest to help you fly

nurturing wellbeing and spirituality with young adults in Northumberland.

The journey for most young adults through their twenties can have many twists & turns.

Investing in their mental health & wellbeing by providing nurturing spaces which foster friendship, self-esteem and the invitation to participate in meaningful activity is at the heart of The Roost.

Watch our brand new film to discover The Roost and how you can play your part.

The Roost Outdoors

Through our outdoor activities all over the beautiful & wild landscape of Northumberland, we get to experience the big spaces & skies, the healing power of nature, and the wonder of what it is to be part of this world and to look after it well.

For the first time, The Roost has its own little patch of land to cultivate – we’d love you to come and be part of its story.

The Roost in Schools

Our schools team works with local Sixth Form teams through one-to-one sessions, lessons and activities to encourage wellbeing in students, giving them simple tools to care for themselves and each other.

‘Our commitment to young adults is that we will walk with them and offer support which enables them to grow in confidence, authentic self-expression and in compassion for themselves and others.’

Trustee, The Roost

The Roost Community

A place for young adults to explore their own spirituality and connect with the Christian heritage and faith which is so much a part of Northumberland.

Support our work

Play your part in nurturing the wellbeing of young adults in Northumberland by making a donation or by fundraising for The Roost.

‘Having someone to listen to me was really important and helped me get a weight off my shoulders.’

Sixth Form Student

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